Hi,Dear Friends
How are you? Have you had a good weekend? Are you enjoying your new week?
Since I came back my classroom May 31, according to the requirement of Mr. Lu Wenqing who has been my tutor since 2011, at the same time to paint some formal paintings, I have been keep doing a daily practice. In the past 30 days, except re-painting 14 formal paintings, I have done 77 Chinese ink paintings which are parts of my daily practices and have used up more than 400 pieces of paper.
This week, I painted 3 formal paintings and 37 bamboo and orchid paintings; used up 140 piece of paper.
June 26, Mr. Lu checked my daily work. He thought my rooster very good and he was glad for my progress on the painting of bamboo and orchid. Then he said, " If you want your bamboo and orchid as good as Mr. Qi Baishi 's shrimps ( Mr. Qi Baishi is one of the greatest modern Chinese artists and his shrimps are his best works), you should practice tens of thousands of times as he did and to use up 10,000 pieces of paper...”
To be honest, Mr. Lu said something about the 10,000 pieces of paper as an example but I thought it as my new assignment. After all, he had told us the story of Mr. Qi Baishi and his shrimps several times. To paint tens of thousands of times is really a necessary course to master a skill or a technique. So on the second morning, I went to buy another 300 pieces of paper and I hope to use up them within the upcoming few weeks.
According to my current workload, I will complete this big assignments within 2 to 3 years.
Just like people often said, to paint bamboo and orchid is one of the best methods to cultivated one's mind and health. This week, the ache on my legs has reduced and since I came back Beijing, the stomachache that had tied me for a few years has totally gone. I do feel happiness when I live in the pure artistic world simply...
I was also happy for one of my former classmates in Chinese National Academy of Arts Mr. Liu Tao who is an Associate Art Professor from Shandong Province came in my classroom this morning and his first words were: " Wow! You have painted so well!"
How about you? Do you have anything special to share?