
Wow! - Shirley's 145th Friendly Greeting -- Sun, July 6th,2008

How are you? Is every thing ok with you? I do hope that you are well and have an easy and relaxed weekend.

Maybe you would be surprised that why I chose "Wow!" as the title of this letter.

First of all, I found that the price of gasoline and food has risen so high, that I could not believe my eyes, when I filled my car and bought food in person. Meanwhile, as same as the other stock markets in the world, Chinese stock index has dropped over 50% from the highest point last year.

However, I also find some good news that deserves us to “Wow!” in the company. We have been confirmed to run our TV programs via Internet. We have been rewarded as one of the best innovated companies in IT industry of Shenzhen, too.

In my free time, I am surprised of myself for I have completed the English classes in the first term of Beijing Foreign Studies University as a distance student until Sunday and I have attended 3 examinations already.

It was so serious that we could not put anything on the desk or in the drawers except pen, ID and student certificate. We had to complete the test paper independently in the stated time and then the papers were sealed and sent to Beijing.

You can not imagine what a tight Sunday it was. From 9:00am - 11:00am, 1:00pm. - 3:00pm., 3:30pm - 4:00pm, I was in 3 classrooms, to write 2 articles, to read 8 articles, to listen to 6 listening data and to complete the examination papers. Then to make two conversations with a classmate as an oral test. For improving my English and to make my dream as an artist of painting, music and language to be true, as long as there was no work in the company on the weekends, I worked on my English lesson at least 16 hours each weekend day. Since March 16th, I have completed 2 professional English books with 900 pages, completed over 560 tasks, 18 tests and 4 assignments. For improving my listening ability, I have also read all of the words and every sentence in the books on all pages aloud!

Even though I do not think that I have done a good job in the examinations, because I have not been used this sorts of examinations, also I have not reviewed enough, I have felt some big changes already. When I drive while I listen to BBC, I can feel the changing day and day. I can catch more and more reports, stories and news. Even, I felt that I did a better job on listening test than reading test Sunday morning…

Anyway, I “Wow! ” for I have realized that, what I have learned in a hurry, is not steady yet, so that I could not write out of what I wanted to express with a right word often. So, I will try to arrange my time better in the coming time.

The last “Wow!” because of my happy heart, finally, I can recover my art of painting and music learning normally now.
I am just a learner on that art of painting, music English and Chinese language, to work on the web site in my free time. I would really like to do a little bit things with what I have learned to make this little web site to be an Electronic Bridge of Culture Exchange, Language Learning & Friendship. To help the others while to improve myself.

I appreciate your understanding, directions and supports. I do hope to get your friendly help...

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you are welcome to write to or, or to publish your opinions in the forum.

Shirley Yiping Zhang
Sun, July 6th,2008

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