International Travels & Services

The Bad News & Good News-- Shirley's 566th Friendly Greeting Which Is from Beijing- Nov 23, 2017

How are you?

Have you had a good new week until now?

Since it is the Thanks Given Vacation in the USA now, I would like to borrow the meaning of the festival to thank you and all of the friends who have given me directions, help and support on my Cross-cultural and Comprehensive Art dream seeking road past, now and in the future.

Here are some bad and good news for you:

The bad news is:

-- My engineer who worked on my publication went to her vacation and the new engineer has not found the best way to continue her jobs yet, so that my job on publication has to be delayed for a while once more.

The good news is:

-- The publishing house has decided to issue my publication not only via book and DVD (mainly thinking of the foreigners who cannot land Chinese web site smoothly), but also Two-dimension code and App and so on.

-- Although I have left my former Multimedia Information Company, the Network Company and the former Department of a national newspaper office, as soon as I called my former colleagues to ask help, quickly I got many hands. Therefore, now, I have had a temporary team with system supporter, software engineer and UI designer for my little project.

-- My supervisor Prof. Mu Jiashan(he is on the photo 2,3,4) not only requires me to work hard on painting and paper, but also he gave me a freedom to learn his special Chinese ink Mountain and Water painting or anything else I am interested in.

-- Both of my health and my psychology have been basically recovered and I can work on my studying and project with a good energy and situation.

-- My life quality has been improved for the good help of 3 friends -- my little “blue horse” ( the nick name of my car) has been driven to Beijing from Shenzhen by Mr. Yang Guangyin (he is on the 7th photo on the right and in the middle of the 8th photo) who is the former monitor of my class in China Central Academy of Fine Arts.

So, now, with a healthy psychology, a basically healthy physical and an appreciated heart, I am thinking of how to continually developing my little Cross-culutral and Comprehensive Art project with a team instead of myself as an individual, on both of the pure acdamic and business running in the same time.

I am still dreaming and working hard in the last about 2 years in Chinese National Academy of Arts for preparing to produce something first class in the world with more people together. I means I will work on my project with a team as soon as I get my second master degree (MFA).

Attached files are the 5 little paintings I painted recently after coming back from the course of painting from the nature and I really hope to bring you a big smile.

How about you? Do you have anything special to share.

I am glad that my supervisor told me that I can learn both of he taught and anything else I want to learn in the course of painting from the nature in the suburb of Beijing. Therefore, instead of painting my paining with only Chinese ink, I colored it with my own idea.

Photo Notes:

No.1:I was in my course of painting from the nature under the directions of my supervisor -- Professor Mu Jiashan.

No.2:Prof.Mu Jiashan gave us a lesson at 7:30am in the suburb of Beijing on Nov 10,2017.

No.3:I was learning from Prof. Mu Jiashen.

No.4:& 5. We worked out of the door until it was getting dark.

No.6:Two classmates from China Central Academy of Fine Arts and Chinese National Academy of Arts came to see me in Beijing.

No.7: My landlord Mr. Fan( the second from the left) and his colleague (first on the left), and my formal monitor at China Central Academy of Fine Arts Mr. Yang Guangyin (first on the right) and his friend (in the middle) came to send my car to me.

No.8: Moniter Yangguang (in the middle)of my class in CAFA, his friend and I in Beijing.

I am just a student on Art of Painting, Music, English and Management,and work on the web site in my free time. I would really like to do something with what I have learned, to make this little web site to be a little Electronic Bridge of Cross -cultural Art Study, Exchange and Chinese Language & Art Learning. To help the others while to improve myself.

I would like to appreciate you for your understanding, directions, supports and help.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you are welcome to write to or leave your message on Message Board.

Shirley Yiping Zhang

Nov 23, 2017 (Beijing Time)
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