International Travels & Services

A Short Message -- Shirley's 567th Friendly Greeting Which Is from Beijing- Dec 4, 2017

How are you?

This is a short message to say Hello to you and for keeping in touch with you for my supervisor Prof. Mu Jiashan will lead us -- his 4 graduate students /candidates for MFA at Chinese National Academy of Arts to have a new course of painting from the nature in the Taihang Mountains in Henan Province. Some local artists will join us during the time.

It is very cold at this season, but my supervisor thought it is easier for us to see the structure of the mountains clearly.

Although it will be quite hard and will have some risk for my health to work out of the door in the mountains in the winter, instead of staying in the warm rooms in Beijing, I will catch the opportunity to improve my painting, health and Will Power.

I am going to leave for the course with my classmates together on Dec 5. It is said there will not have any equipments for us to make heat in the building we will live in the mountains, I am not sure whether we can connect Internet.

Therefore, I would like to write this short message to you before I leave for Henan Province.

Attached files are some paintings I have painted since I wrote to you last time and hope to bring you a big smile...

If it is conveinent with you, could you please let me know: Do you enjoy my paintings with colors or just black and white?

How about you? Do you have anything special to share?

I am just a student on Art of Painting, Music, English and Management,and work on the web site in my free time. I would really like to do something with what I have learned, to make this little web site to be a little Electronic Bridge of Cross -cultural Art Study, Exchange and Chinese Language & Art Learning. To help the others while to improve myself.

I would like to appreciate you for your understanding, directions, supports and help.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you are welcome to write to or leave your message on Message Board.

Shirley Yiping Zhang

Dec 3, 2017 (Beijing Time)
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