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Good Lesson, Try Hard & Boundless Gratitude - Shirley's America Travel Diary 124 & 515th Friendly Greeting - Feb 14, 2016

How are you? Have you had a delight weekend and a Happy Valentine's Day? I do hope you have and all of the lovers in the world finally got/get married.

This is the 23rd week in my current travel in the US. A lot of things have happened in the past short 7 days but mainly on 3 aspects.

First of all, I kept attending my English lessons by walk in the cold and strong wind Monday to Wednesday. Wow! You cannot imagine how heavy the wind was. Sometimes, I could not walk forward, and sometimes I could hardly control my own body so that I felt that I would be blown into the sky. Especially when I walked through the open places, such as the parks, I had to go through among the cars and to avoid the strong wind blew me down.

A few times, I was afraid of it was the prelude of the tornado so that I thought of my son -- in case I was blown away, he would not see his mother again. :-)

Anyway, I was lucky enough for I went into my classroom safely after walking in the wind for about 1 hour (Usually, I needed just 40 to 45 minutes) on Monday so that my English instructor Mrs. Fran Giglio was surprised for me and she and some of my classmates would like to give me a ride.

I declined their good offer with so many thanks. In fact, I could call a taxi one day 2 or 3 times as I did during I gave lessons in the K-12 schools Sep to Nov, 2015, for catching a short English lesson within my lunch time; and also I could buy a car as I had done when I was a student in Missouri State University 2008 to 2009. I did not do that for I wanted to improve my health level by walking.

Therefore, since I came to Springfield, MO in August, 2015, I have walked about 320 miles (512 kilometers) and my health has had a big improvement. To be able to walk 3.4 miles(5.4 kilometers)for catching my English lessons in the wind or rain sometimes has really given me so much self-confidence to work on any hard jobs. Meanwhile, it has also made me more cherish the sunshine, the fresh air, the good study and work conditions which I have had, brought me a lot of positive physical energy and an optimistic psychology.

Secondly, I have had some good lessons from my first demonstration at OTC on Wednesday:

-- Regular training must be done each day, although it is something familiar.
-- Art work should be done with a pure heart, think too much would distract and lead a lower quality.

Wednesday afternoon, Feb 10, 2016, I spent too much time on talking and singing in my demonstration at OTC so that when I started to paint, there was only about 15 minutes. So, before I completed the painting, students had to start to paint.

The worse thing was the picture which had gotten applauses many times was not ideal under my brush in the most important occasion – OTC which I would open my own course in 10 months.

This is the first time I did not complete my painting before students started their work within my past about 210 former lessons, I felt so guilt in my heart and for whole of the night I asked myself Why? Then I realized:

-- I wanted to do my best too much at OTC so that there was some pressure in my subconsciousness.

-- I had not practiced any Chinese Xieyi Painting for 2 weeks in the US for I did not think to paint the so little size picture a big case. But when I was in Beijing, I must practice on 20 pieces of paper every morning, then I could start the formal painting work.

With so much guilt, at the same night and in the next morning, I created a new picture and practiced it 8 times and then I re-practiced the small size painting 3 times, then I had a successful lesson next day. Anyway, this time, we painted enough, but no time to talk at all. :- )

After this "accident", I have recovered my regular practice on Chinese Xieyi Painting,even though 2 of my fingers were scalded by a hot boiler cradle on the gas stove and another finger and an arm were broken by the heavy and fell down painting board when I moved it near by the lightest lamps in the kitchen --I have not fixed a suitable painting wall for it is difficult to find a wall with 4 meters (157.48inches) long and there is no any window on it in my new house, the current painting broad has not been fixed any felt pan yet and the light was not light enough for paint a big size painting in the night though I have changed all of the lamps already. I meant I could not see clear when I painted in the nights.

Thirdly, with Boundless Gratitude, I have visited some good people who had helped me with their sincerity and kindness in the past time, even though I had to attend my English lessons every morning on Monday to Thursday, gave demonstrations on Wednesday and Thursday, I have tried to visit people as many as possible.

I have also gotten some friendly letters from someone who cannot meet me before I leave for China.

-- On Monday, I got the letter from Germany from the former executive director Ms. Leah Hamilton of Springfield Region Art Council, former Art Program Director of Drury University and the sponsor of my first art exhibition. We can not meet face to face in the US, but she encouraged me and said “I do wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. You have such an immense and wonderful talent! ”And I will never forget what she have done for me since 2009, which has become the first milestone in my dream seeking.

-- Then in the strong wind Monday afternoon, I went to visit Prof. Vonda Yarberry who is the Graduate Studies Coordinator and took back something that I had entrusted her to store for me in 2014. Then I got the email and good encouragement from Prof. Carolyn Cárdenas who is the head of Art and Design Department of Missouri State University.

On Tuesday, I got the email from President Dave Manuel of Drury University. He would not be able to meet me and he would leave from MO, but he wished me“ Best of luck to you in all of your endeavors.”

I would always remember: Just because his wife and he went to see me at their art central Nov 19, 2013, the questions of his wife “Do you want to teach? ” “Do you want to teach after you complete your study?” like a lightning lightened my mind and made me first time think of the idea to teach in a college or a university. Then I started to think of improving my study in Beijing from a general graduated course to be the level which can match a master degree. At the time that 99% of my classmates stopped on the level to get their certificates and then left from Chinese National Academy of Arts, I continued to study for getting a MFA by testing English, writing dissertation and oral defense now and in the future… then now, I have had the opportunity to teach at OTC.

So, in my heart, I really feel that both of President Dave Manuel and his wife were just like the Angeles of the God to bring his directions to me.

Then in the afternoon, Tuesday, I visited Ms. Kristan Gochenauer (she is on the first photo) – the Executive Assistant to the President of Missouri State University and we had a good talking.

I do appreciate President Clifton M. Smart of Missouri State University for he had met me in his office in 2013, came to my art exhibition in 2014, helped me to continue my art study on some higher level flat... and set up a good example by donating his house allowance for 10 years... I respect and trust him not only because he is the president of the university, but also for one of his degrees is Master of Fine Arts, he was /is a professional artist. He did understand what I am doing and his direction is really professional.

Therefore, after he came to my art exhibition at OTC on Feb 27, 2014, I went into the National English Examination Room in Beijing on May 25, 2014 and then on May 30, 2015 for improving myself by getting the qualification to write my dissertation for getting the master degree of Fine Arts from the highest arts research and educational organization of China. I was fall twice, but I am working hard for trying the third time on May 29, 2016. I am proud of myself as a student of MSU and I would also like to make my American Alma Mater proud of me as her graduate some day in the future.

As soon as I went out of the office of Ms. Kristan Gochenauer, I walked to visit Mrs. Anna L Datema (she is on th second photo) – the Executive Assistant of College of Business, one of the best tutors and the angel guard of our Chinese students in my opinions. She had helped me most when I was a student of MSU. It was she who drove me to see a dentist, to visit a historic attraction, to help me to find a new house, to pick up me when I missed my road... What she had done much more than her work responsibilities, She is always my best tutor, sister and American friend...

On Wednesday, after my English lessons and before I gave a demonstration at OTC, I went to visit Professor Stevan Olson (he is on the 10th photo) on the campus of MSU, who is one of my guiders of Christianity and played an important role to help me to go near the God. He has not only helped on my Chinese poem translation but also taught me how to live in the US. If there were no him to write to me to call the local utility department at once in the morning, Nov 17, I would not know the gas leaking from the gas stove in my house. I would maybe use it on Nov 18 after I moved into the house.

Then, after the lesson at OTC, President Don Stilley (he is on the 11st photo) of K & R Electric, Inc. came to the art gallery and made the trade of the 3 paintings. When I looked at the paintings were taken away from the wall, my feeling was my “ baby sons ” were taken away, but it was really a new beginning for they were the 14th, 15th and 16th of my paintings that had been bought in the US. Thinking of one of the paintings which was painted on the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in the USA in 2015, I have had no any opportunity to find a Chinese professional company to donate it in the US, I sent another little painting to him as a compensation.

I do appreciate President Don Stilley for his good artistic taste for he had chosen the best art works in my different time.

As usual, I would like to donate the money to help the local American people to learn Chinese culture, arts and language. But this time, I hope to do it with a fund or foundation or some way else... with OTC together... I am not in a hurry, but I hop to cumulate both of art works and capital little by little…

On Thursday, as soon as I completed my demonstration at OTC 3:00pm, I went to visit President Lonnie Funk (he is on the 3rd photo) of Rolling Oaks Group of Companies LLC, he and his company has been helping me since 2013 by arranging me to live in one of their best department Sept, 2013 to March, 2014, spending much time and energy on finding another one-bed apartment in 2015 and then helping me on evaluating a house...

I was so moved for his patience and tolerance. He was so busy, but he had changed his schedule 3 times for matching mine.

I was happier for his wife would like to come to my course at OTC in 2017 and I have been invited to paint from the nature in their garden after I came back from China... :- )

Then at 9:00am, Friday, I visited the Associate Dean of College of Business of Missouri State University and my first professor and guider in the USA since 2008 -- Dr. David Meinert ( he is on the 4th and 5th photos). Just because he dealt with my case which I wanted to retreat from the study in MSU with a quite human style, showed me the artistic events in the local city, introduced me to an art professor, picked up me at the airport and arranged me to my apartment and arranged Mrs. Anna to help me to see a dentist… Then I could complete my study and got my master degree while finding a cross-cultural and comprehensive art dream in the USA…

We had a delight talking and he gave me some good ideas on how to develop my international art dream. I was really happy to see the building of college of business will be enlarged by his leading and management. Until next class year, the E-MBA program will have its own some fixed classrooms and more advanced equipments… As the first course that Dr. Merneit taught us – Project Management in 2008, right now, he itself is just the manager of the new and big project. :- )

I was lucky enough for I have also met Dr. Elizabeth (she is on the 4th photo) who is another Associate Dean of College of Business and my another professor on Operation Management 2008 to 2009. It was she who asked me to write a little paper 4 times and helped me most on my paper writing.

At about 9:45am, I visited Mr. David Lawson (he is on the 6th photo) – the Institute Director of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, my first American friend who I made on the second day I came to the USA by knocking the gate of the church and introduced myself, Sept 29, 2008. Since then, it was he who sent 4 missionaries to teach me Bible early or late every Friday afternoon in their church, and it was he who I could go to talk when I was in a happiness or sadness and offered the Internet connecting in their church when it did not work at my home and organized poeple to help me on my Finance Course... He is one of my good American friends whom I quite trust very much so that I sent my mails to his church and entrusted him to find a place for me to live before I came to the USA in 2013 and 2015. I was happy for his wife and children interested in my art works, we have been friends since 2009.

At the time we talked and laughed at my funny stories that my new floor was flood twice at 9:30pm and 11:45pm at same night so that I had to call policemen to “ rescue ” me, he said forwardly that he would be glad to look after my house after I leave for China. What a wonderfully surprising offer it was! What a suitable person he is! With so much gratitude, I gave one of my keys to him and my feeling was it was the God send him to help me at the time I needed help. :- )

As soon as said good bye to Mr. David Lawson, I invited Dr. Jessica (she is on the 7 th photo) who is a historic instructor at OTC to have a Chinese lunch for I would like to thank her for it was she who recommended me to two heads of fine arts and humanities department of OTC in 2010 and 2013 and organized two demonstrations for me in her school and for the adoptive Chinese children in Springfield, MO. Then I have gotten the good opportunities to have art exhibitions and teaching at OTC. I do admired her for her passion on Chinese cultures and she would like to help me on American culture and history. :- )

At 3:00pm, I went to visit Mr. Brad Bodenhausen (he is on the 8th photo)who is the former Executive Director of Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce and a current Assistant to Vice President of Missouri State University, and taught us the Similarities and Differences of American and Chinese Culture sand Business when I was a student in MSU… Also, he was one of the sponsors of my first art exhibition in the US in 2009. It was he who introduced me to the Springfield Region Art Council, to connect Mr. Joe Jenkins and to store the 64 paintings that I had donated to Springfield, MO, to write a commendation for me to apply a study opportunity in the US, and to help me to make sure the strategy of founding a base in Springfield and then to do the radiation around it far away, while reminding me to focus on something core and unique when I worked on my cross-cultural and comprehensive art dream…

What he has done for me have really become the essential milestone and the boosters at different times on my dream seeking…

Then on Saturday, I invited Pastor Philip Cheuk who is my baptized pastor and his wife (they are on the 9 th photo) to have an lunch for I really appreciate them for their time on teaching me about Christianity and leading me to be a Christian. When I was with them, I felt quite safety and kindness, there was a trust naturally, just like talking with brother and sister… :-)

There are really too many people whom I wished to go to visit and to say Thanks face to face, but because of the email problems or for our time schedules did not available or for some reasons I do not know, I could not connect many of them and I would have to miss them before I leave for China…. such as Professor Edward Chang is in Taiwan, Professor Greer, Olen L’s email was missed, Professor Qiao Yuhua’s schedule did not work…but we were lucky enough for we had met in the campus or in the church.

The biggest pity was I would like to invite Mrs. Glad Eyerman, her mother and daughter to have a Chinese lunch for it was she organized my classes at 3 local K-12 private schools 65 times, then I could give my lessons to about 530 students more than 1600 person – times, and got much precious experience on how to teach an creative course in the US and improved my self-confidence after I had just failed on my English Examination in China. However, we made the appointments twice, our schedules could not work yet, then we could only meet after I come back to the US in a few months...

To be honest, now and in the past one week, the strongest feeling in my heart is that God is looking after me always. It was he who sent so many different people at difficult time to direct me, help me and support me. If there were no his directions and so much help and support from his angels, I would not have today.

So, I would really like to give my time, energy and life on helping as many as people who need help...

I am sorry for the wound on my fingers and arm, I can only send this letter which was started yesterday to you now.

How about you? Do you have anything special to share in the past week?

I am just a student on Arts of Painting, Music, English and Management, to work on the web site in my free time. I would really like to do somethings with what I have learned to make this little web site to be an Electronic Bridge of Cross - Culture and Comprehensive Arts, Language & Friendship. To help the others and this world while improving myself and realizing my own value of life.

I would really like to appreciate you for your understanding, directions, supports and help.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you are welcome to write to or leave your message on Message Board.


Shirley Yiping Zhang
Feb 14, 2016 (American Local Time)
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