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A Short Report & Some Good News-- Shirley's 527th Friendly Greeting from Beijing-- June 15, 2016

How are you? Have you had good new week? Are you enjoying it?

On my side, I have involved into my study and creative work deeply in Beijing.

Since I wrote to you on June 6 which is the same day Mr. Ma Shengli(he is on the first, third and fourth photo) – the head of flower and bird painting teaching and research section of teaching department at Chinese Traditional Painting Academy came to hear my thoughts on creating the first painting of my American Cultural Map Series (a temporary title) with Chinese painting styles, and gave me some directions on the size, contents, styles, techniques, color tone, materials and helped me to work out of a working plan, I have completed 25 of the 50 of initial birds designs.

Yesterday afternoon, both of Mr. Wu Tong (he is on the second, third and fourth photo)– the former associate head of Teaching Department of Chinese Painting School at Chinese National Academy of Arts and current director of the Teaching Department of Chinese Traditional Painting Academy and Mr. Ma Shengli checked and commented my work and gave me more directions.

I am glad that Mr. Ma thought that I had done a good job on the designs of birds, but I should correct one of them. I was quite moved for his responsible work and helpful directions. You cannot imagine it was he who came to the school specially to give me the first direction 7 days ago.

The biggest inspiration is that Mr. Wu Tong did not only encouraged me to create an art book base on what I am doing now, but also he gave me some detailed directions on the size, contents, technique style, materials and so on… :- )

A good news is that Mr. Wu Tong praised my Chinese Mogu Painting which I had created in the USA. Many of my classmates enjoy them and at least 2 of them would like to learn from me. Mr. Liu Chunfeng who is graduated from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in 80’s and his works had entered more than 10 times national art exhibition said “Your Chinese Mogu Paintings seemed like quite advanced. ”

With a grateful heart, I am working hard under the directions of my tutors and help under my classmates. Although the number of the frist group of students of Chinese Traditional Painting Academy is not big, but about 40% of its students graduated from academies of fine arts, about 30% of them are art teachers and includes an associate professor, and about 20% of them have the abroad work experience. Among them, I do feel friendly and quite helpfully.

The best news is that I have connected and built another two Wei Chat Groups. One of them has had 13 tutors and professors in Chinese National Academy of Arts and Chinese Traditional Painting Academy. The other one has had 7 tutors and professors in China Central Academy of Fine Arts. I am quite happy for some of them have written to me and would like to offer help if I need on my art study and creative job with any way at any time.

Therefore, now, I am accounting my me carefully and I do hope to complete the basic design and the frame of my American Cultural Map Series with Chinese art style in Beijing. And hope to combine the study, create and exploration into my upcoming teaching jobs in the USA.

I am thinking, if my American students can express something around of them with Chinese art styles, maybe it will not only open their minds and sights with a new and international view or angle, to understand and enjoy the beautiful things in the world, but also to help them to beatify the world with some helpful and useful skills?

So, even thought an adventure (I had to walk back home from the classroom in a deep and cold water in a heavy rain at a midnight) has brought back the edema on my fingers, some aches in my bones and I am awaken by the stomachache recently, still I would like to keep doing my best in Beijing. I am sure that my health will be recovered along with the progress of my art study and the time going back to Shenzhen and then USA.

How about you? Do you have anything special to share?

I am just a student on Arts of Painting, Music, English and Management, to work on the web site in my free time. I would really like to do somethings with what I have learned to make this little web site to be an Electronic Bridge of Cross - Culture and Comprehensive Arts, Language & Friendship. To help the others and this world while improving myself and realizing my own value of life.

I would really like to appreciate you for your understanding, directions, supports and help.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you are welcome to write to or leave your message on Message Board.


Shirley Yiping Zhang
June 14, 2016 (Beijing Time)
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