International Travels & Services

The Special 9 Days-- Shirley's 530th Friendly Greeting from Beijing-- July 21, 2016

How are you? Have you had a good time since I wrote to you on July 12?

For me, it was a very special 9 days for something important happening in my life:

First of all, on July 14, I was informed that I had passed the National English Examination on May 29. Although the result is not very ideal for I had just gotten 67 points, but I have gotten the qualification to continue my study in Chinese National Academy of Arts -- from a student of graduate course to be upgraded as a graduated student for the degree of Master of Fine Arts.

That means that I can finally enter into the next phase to write my dissertation for getting the master degree in 1.5 years.

Secondly, I have chosen a professor of Chinese National Academy of Arts as my tutor ahead 2 months than the other students since the formal start time should be on Sept 22 or 23, and the Degree Office of Chinese National Academy of Arts has agreed with me to do it now.

Thirdly, July 15, ahead about 70 days, I started my new study under the directions of Professor Mu Jiashan (he is on the first, second and third photos) (who is a former American Professor and had given lessons in about 50 universities, such as Harvard University, Yale University, Montgomery College and be awarded the award “ Federal Educator” 5 times by American Government. He was the only American Chinese who was invited by the World Bank and the United Nations to taken part in the International Travelling Art Exhibition since 2008. In 2012, he was invited back China as one of the Changjiang Scholars and he was the only one in art field)after having a good lesson in his office with the other 2 students.

I mean Professor Mu Jiashan did a demonstration for us for 6 hours and let us see the whole of his creating process. Meanwhile, he gave me a book list and the first assignment -- to paint another 200 ancient Chinese landscape paintings base on my study in Chinese National Academy of Arts for 4 years and in China Central Academy of Fine Arts for 1 year.

I am really happy for Professor Mu asked me to paint landscape for it will remedy the pity that I could not be able to major in Chinese landscape in the past 5 years for my bad health. Then I will have a much better knowledge structure and the biggest problem that I felt too difficult to express the artistic conception of many Chinese poems will be solved along with the study...

What a lucky student I am! :- )

You cannot imagine how I cherish the good opportunity, with so much appreciation, I have completed 4 of the 200 assignments. I would really like to share 2 of them (they are in the below of the letter)with you and hope to bring you a big smiles.

Thirdly, on July 16, I visited the graduation ceremony of Chinese Traditional Painting Academy and met many professors who had taught me.

On the same day, I decided to donate my car to Chinese Traditional Painting Academy for expressing my endless appreciation – not only has it given me a study opportunity for 2 months, its predecessor – the Teaching Department, of Chinese Painting School / Graduated School at Chinese National Academy of Arts, has taught me for 4 years and given me too much help...

Besides these, there were something more happening in the past 10 days:

-- Professor Fang Zhulan(she is on the 6th photo) who is a tutor of doctoral students and her husband came to my school to see me and invited me to have a good dinner and a wonderful talking.

-- Mr. Yang Guanyin (he is on the last photo) who is the monitor of my class when we studied in Chinese Painting School at China Central Academy of Arts came to see me and he invited me to have a meal and we had a good talking.

-- I have helped Mrs. Cao Husheng (she is on the 7th and 8th photos) who was my elementary school teacher become a new student of Chinese Traditional Painting Academy after accompanying her to visit a national art exhibition in China Art Gallery together.

-- I have bought 85 books and delivered them back home before I leave from Beijing.

I am going to leave for Wuxi to see my father and then to Shenzhen to work on my music in August before I leave for the USA.

How about you? Do you have anything special to share?

Notes: On the 4th photo, the one next me on the right is Professor Fan Yang - A Tutor of Doctoral Students.

On the 5th photo, the man is the president of Chinese Traditional Painting Academy, Professor Man Weiqi who is the former Deputy Dean of Chinese Painting School at Chinese National Academy of Arts and the most important guide mine for 4 years.

On the 6th photo the one on the left is the Head of Teaching Department of Chinese Traditional Painting Academy and the former Associate Head of Teaching Department of Chinese Painting at CNAA and he is one of my tutors for 4 years.

On the 8th photo, the one in the yellow T-shirt is Mr. Ma Shengli who is one / main one of my tutors of the American Cultural Map's first painting -- the state birds of America.

I am just a student on Arts of Painting, Music, English and Management, to work on the web site in my free time. I would really like to do somethings with what I have learned to make this little web site to be an Electronic Bridge of Cross - Culture and Comprehensive Arts, Language & Friendship. To help the others and this world while improving myself and realizing my own value of life.

I would really like to appreciate you for your understanding, directions, supports and help.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, you are welcome to write to or leave your message on Message Board.


Shirley Yiping Zhang
July 21, 2016 (Beijing Time)
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