International Travels & Services

The Special 9 Days -- Shirley's 452nd Friendly Greeting, May 27, 2014

How are you? Have you started a great new week? I do hope you have.

Nine days have past since I wrote to you last time and so many important things have happened on my side.

-- May 25, Sunday, 2014 was my big day:

I walked into the National English Examination Room for my Master Degree of Arts at China University of Geosciences, Beijing in the morning.

Then I visited the President Clifton M. Smart (he is on the photos of No. 1, 9, 10 and No. 12) of Missouri State University, Vice President James P. Baker (he is on the photos of No. 2 and No. 10), Associate Vice President Stephen H. Robinette (he is on the photo of No. 3) and all members in their team at the Alumni Event of Missouri State University at Jianguo Hotel, Beijing in the afternoon.

-- May 23, Friday, 2014 was my special day: I was picked up to the School of International Cultural Exchanges, Beijing Institute of Economic Management by the recommended by Mrs. Zeng Qiang who attended my lessons at Shuandqiu Road Resident Community. I have been invited to give a lecture : Poetry, Painting and Music: Comprehensive and Artistic Chinese for their foreign students who are majore in Chinese in Beijing from France, America and some Asian countries. Both of our sides have the similar wishes to see where and what we can work together in the future.

On the same day, Mrs. Zheng Peisan who had helped me by carrying a campstool for me in Jingshan Park April 28, came to see me. She had gotten my books for her and she attended my lesson with the other elders: to paint from the nature, to read, to recite and to sing a Chinese poem, to enjoy the copies of the ancient Chinese paintings in Song Dynasty (917 -- 1127) and even to learn few English words.

You cannot imagine that the monitor of the class did not only record my music, wrote down the music score of my poetry songs but also, she has created a dance and they would like to perform the first poem I taught them with reciting, music, singing and dancing on the Chinese Day, February, 2015. :-)

-- May 19, Monday, 2014 was my lucky day: a world-class Chinese painting expert -- Professor Mu Jiashan, the only Chinese artist whom was chosen by the World Bank with the support from Chinese Embassy in the USA, to have an art exhibition in the world since 2008, Director of Asian Pacific Art Institute of America and a Researcher of Chinese National Academy of Arts came to our classrooms. After giving us a lecture, he demonstrated how to paint a landscape with his own special way. I have had an opportunity to consult him and to get his good directions face to face in the class and in his office in the future.

Until now, a part of the most important things that I started since March, 2014 have been completed, I am going to enter the next jobs to prepare the art works for taking part in the graduate exhibition that has to be handed up on June 13 and then to give the draft of the volume 2 of the series books: Poetry, Painting, Music: Comprehensive and Artistic Chinese ahead 6 months before I started my next travel to go to the USA.

When I recall the experience in the past 9 days right now, I do have some strong feelings below:

--Lifelong education may be a tendency in China now and in the future, it will have a wide needing and market? I had this feeling because of two things I have experienced.

First of all, I met many elders who wanted to paint but suffered the same pain there were no one to teach them or no the financial ability to be taught in a formal art school. Then I was chosen to teach a group of elders in a Resident Community in Beijing.

Yes, there are so many retired people wanting to learn some new knowledge and new skills, the problem is the current educational recourse is not enough for the young people yet; meanwhile, the expensive education tuition limited most of adults, especially retired people to go into the art colleges. For example, in 2014, the average pension of the retirees from the corporations in Beijing is 36,600 RMB -- 5,941 USD / year, but the tuition in China Central Academy of Arts is 35,000 RMB -- 5,681USD/ year.

Just knowing this situation clear, had the same experience as these elders have 12 years ago, felt that that I have gotten too much from my own motherland and this world, while I did not think that I have had the qualification to teach as an art student yet, I chose to work as a volunteer teacher and to return back my motherland and people with what I have learned earlier than the others.

At the same time, I am thinking, if the government and the people who have the fore-insight can pay more attention to this part of the needing in the society, to start some lower price training classes for this part of people. Then, I guess it will bring much benefit for both of the learners and educational organizations. After all, China has entered the aging society there are too many elders but in the high level quality indeed.

Anyway, this is just one hand of the things.

The other hand is, according to the current retirement policy, women must be retired at latest at 50 or 55, some people are earlier; and men must retire at 55 or 60. A woman manager would no any future when she is at 40 and a man manger is at 45. Then, when a person has to walk into the team of retirees at his or her golden age. If she or he does not want to waste her or his life,knowledge and skills, but wants to contribute her or his rest 30 or 40 years to help this world and the human being’s civilization. What should they do?

Many people admire me for my wide interestings and for I have re-studied art for 12 years. In fact, except I wanted to make my childhood dream to be true, I have been making the preparative intentionally for my future since the day I saw clear about my future road as a manager. I was lucky enough that I had found my road before I retired from my former career; I have made a layout for my 10 years since 2015 right now and I had had a plan for what should be happened after I pass away 3 years ago.

So, May 25, 2014, when I walked into the campus of China University of Geosciences to attend the National English Examination, went across the gate after accepting the test of my ID and fingerprints in the long line of woman examinees, instead of reviewing my lessons as many people did, I was mailing and taking photos. I would really like to record the special and started time of the second phase of my life. After all, it is the second time I entered the similar National Examination Room and the first time was in 1978. The difference was, last time, I was in the Great Northern Wilderness (in northeast China) for becoming a bachelor student who was major in Chinese language and literature; this time, am in Beijing for getting my second master degree after completing the first phase of my life in 2014. Last time, I was a teenager; right now, white hair has been on my head. However, I am wishing to work for more people and for the human being on a higher level with the psychology of 25, on a new and higher beginning point for another 30 years... :- )

I guess, this is the second but not certainly the last examination in my future life. Along with my project goes forward or I am fail, I will need much more knowledge and may be I will go into the similar examination room again?

I am sure, now in China and in the world, there are too many people doing the same thing as I have done. Lifelong Education will accompany us for whole of our lives, not only people need the lower price or free education, but also we need much more formal and high level education.

-- Alma Mater is not only a conception to prove where we have studied, but also, it can be a true and warm family, just like parents who are around of their children in whole of our lives . This kind of good relationship between a university and its students will help both of the two sides to grow up and to make progress along with the time.

As a student who has studied in 9 universities/colleges since 1978 ( as a full time student in 4 universities for 10 years and a part time students in 5 universities/colleges for 8 years ), Missouri State University is the only university that has invited me as one of their graduates to attend their Alumna Events from U.S.A.

Since May 27, 2012, I have been at the Alumni Events of Missouri State University in Beijing and in Shenzhen 3 times, even though I missed almost all actions when I reached the place of the event in Beijing, May, 2012.

What the university did for their graduates and me, have really helped me re- understand the meaning of the Alma Mater, feel warm, helpful, parental and lucky enough. :- )

Try to think, how many graduates of universities can talk with their President, Vice President and Associate Vice President of the University face to face after they have left from their universities? How many graduates can get a little gift with the good wishes that has been carried 12,520 miles (just between Chicago to Hong Kong) and be given by the President of the University in person on the other side of the Ocean? The graduates of our university – Missouri State University can.

What the university leaders and Alumni Association did for us not only make me touched, but also it helps me to think.

So, except I am proud of myself as a graduate of Missouri State University, I would real like to follow its example, to treat the others and to work for more people with a sincere, kind heart, to give my knowledge and skills to more people who are needing them in China and in the world, to win honor for my Alma Mater and to return its good education and treatments in the past, now and in the future.

-- The true and the great artists who have the sense of mission and responsibility, may be the center core of the main stream arts of a nation.

Something touched me in the lesson and after the lesson that Professor Mu Jiashan did on 3 points:

First of all, the lesson that was base on the wide international outlook of Professor Mu Jiashan has expanded my horizons so much, helped me to see Chinese Painting on a higher and a wider flat roof – from the angle of world.

Secondly, I am impression on the wonderful skills of Professor Mu Jiaoshan -- how he combined the Chinese Calligraphy, Painting, Qinggong or maybe Taiji together, to create his so special and so powerful lines and landscape.

Thirdly, I was touched by Professor Mu Jiashen’s strong sense of mission and responsibility to help our own motherland and the world. Also his Chinese + American educational styles. I did never think that he responded my cell phone message before 7:00a.m. – I did not call for I was afraid of affecting his rest at the so early morning. And I am impression on his questions: What kind of statue you work on your project? Did you work as an individual action or you wanted to work for helping the nation and this world? Here is something he said over the cell phone: “ I came back China for I had a sense of mission and responsibility. ” And here was something he wrote on his painting in our classroom: Jiang Liu Tianji Wai-- the River Is Flowing Out of Horizon -- Never Forget the National Humiliation of China in the Jiawu Year (1894).

I do feel that it was God looking after me and sent him to my classroom and let me meet a world-class expert before I start my new travels to Australia and to America. So, I am certainly going to consult from him, to listen to his comments and to get his directions as much as possible, no matter my project or my academic improvement.

The unfortunate news: I started to diarrhoea the last night I walked into the examination and I went to the washroom 8 times before the examination paper was opened <>on May 25. Even though my feeling was the examination was easier than my model examination papers and I am sure I should get a high marks on the last two parts: writing and on translation. But, they occupied only 25%. And I did not feel good on the first parts – I felt I understood each questions but often I was confused which answers I should chose. I am not sure whether I can certainly pass this examination for I did not do well on the first parts.

Anyway, I do not feel bad at all. After all, I have started my action for making my dream to be true. So, even though the examination has passed, still I worked as much time as possible on English. I will never stop my step and my English studying forever. I am sure, I can pass it with a high marks some day certainly. Do you believe in me?

How about you? Do you have anything special in the past 9 days?

Notes of the Photos:

No.1: President Clifton M. Smart of Missouri State University and I at the Alumni Event of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.2: Vice President James P. Baker of Missouri State University and I at the Alumni Event of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.3: Associate Vice President Stephen H. Robinette of Missouri State University, American Advisor of my last publication:" Poetry, Painting and Music: Comprehensive and Artistic Chinese " in English and I at the Alumni Events of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.4: Associate Dean of Business College Dave Meinert of Missouri State of University and my first American Professor and I at the Alumni Events of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.5: Former Executive Manager Brad Bodenhausen of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce, MO and my first sponsor of art exhibition in USA and I at the Alumni Event of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.6: China Program Specialist Gong Xiaoou and my private tutor when I was a student of MSU I at the Alumni Events of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.7: My former classmate of Missouri State University in the USA Yan Ailing and I at the Alumni Events of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.8: My former roommates Zhao Qin (she is on the left), Zhang Yining (second one from left) when I was in the USA 2013, their classmates and I at the Alumni Event of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.9: President Clifton M. Smart sent me a Missouri State Pen as a gift at the Alumni Event of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.10: President Clifton M. Smart of Missouri State University (on the right), Vice President James P. Baker (in the middle) were delivering the gifts for their students at the Alumni Event of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.11: Associate Dean of Business College Dave Meinert chaired the Alumni Event of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.12: President Clifton M. Smart of Missouri State University gave a lecture at the Alumni Event of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.13: Professor Qiu Weiping of Missouri State University and my Tutor of Bible and I at the Alumni Event of MSU in Beijing, May 25, 2014.

No.14: Professor Mu Jiashan, Director of Asian Pacific Art Institute of America and a Researcher of Chinese National Academy of Arts gave us a lesson on May 19, 2014.

No.15: Professor Mu Jiashan, Director of Asian Pacific Art Institute of America and a Researcher of Chinese National Academy of Arts demonstrated a landscape for us, May 19, 2014.

No.16: Professor Mu Jiashan, Director of Asian Pacific Art Institute of America and a Researcher of Chinese National Academy and I in our landscape classroom, May 19, 2014.

No.17: A part of students who attended the lesson of Professor Mu Jiashan at Teaching Department of Chinese Painting School at Chinese National Academy of Arts, May 19, 2014.

No. 18: I was in the campus of China University of Geosciences and prepared to enter the National English Examination for get my Master Degree of Arts from Chinese National Academy of Arts May 25, 2014.


Shirley Yiping Zhang
May 27, 2014 (Beijing Time)

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