International Travels & Services

After Encountering Failures-- Shirley's 458 Friendly Greeting, August 11, 2014

How are you? Have you had a good weekend?

This week, I have encountered double failures.

First of all, I was fail in the National English Examination May 25, 2014. That means I have lost the qualification to enter the next step to write the dissertation for the degree of MFA – Master of Fine Arts at Chinese National Academy of Arts. However, I have gotten some certificates for my postgraduate courses study in CNAA for 3 years. I will have the qualification to take part in the annual examinations 4 times 2015 - 2018.

I was surprised to see my examination result since I had passed 12 of the 13 simulative examinations and I felt the true examination papers easier than the simulative examination papers. I was suspicious of the authenticity of the result, because I had gotten countless cell phone messages, phone calls and emails before the examination and the result to be informed. The former asked me to buy the answers of the examination questions; the latter asked me to buy a successful result. Just in the last 10 days before the result was announced, I were troubled by 19 messages.

Instead of answering any of these illegal messages or spending much time on re-checking the result, I forwarded these letters to the examination center, hoped them to make an investigation and give back us a clean and fair examination circumstance. Because I did not know how those senders knew my detailed information related to the examination and I have been troubled since the first day I applied to take part in the examination since March, 2014.

Anyway, I have put down it. After all, I had not passed 1 /13 the modeled examination papers, maybe I just met the 1/13; I had diarrhoea 8 times on the examination day, it really affected me to work normally; In this English Examination, there is no any Listening Test, no Speaking Test, no Translation from Chinese into English Test; its Writing Test part is just 15%, and the Translation from English into Chinese is 10%. Most of the examination questions related to read, grammar and vocabulary.

Therefore, one hand, I appreciate the examination for it has helped me to check my English and let me know where my weakness is, where I should make more effort to improve it. The other hand, I blamed myself for I did not follow the advice of my tutors to spend 100% of my time on my English study, but I had spent time 3 times more than the school’s requirement on painting from the nature. So that I cared for this and lost that.

So, even though I do not think this test result has showed my true English level since it is not a complete test in my opinion and there were too many abnormal elements and disturbers around of it, I must remember the lesson and put down it as soon as possible. After all, I am not the most Excellent examinee at this time yet.

Secondly, I was fail in the application to get the study opportunity of MFA – Master of Fine Arts program at Missouri State University in its Fall Semester, 2014. I was told that I had submitted my application too late. If I wish to apply to study in Spring Semester, 2015, I must do a re-application.

Even though I will have to spend another at least 1 week to 10 days to do the re-application with my limited time, I do not feel pity at all. Because, when I re-read my former application data, I did feel no matter my two statements, resume or the other data should be rewritten or redo. The process to re-written them and re-application, is just the process to re-think of my life and work goal, my project’s orientation, content, work style, problems, solutions and the possible result.

So, now, with a calm heart, I have re-written my long statement to talk why I apply this study opportunity of MFA and why I choose Missouri Sate University.

Simple speaking, I pursue this opportunity for I would like to get a systemic western /global art education, to improve my current knowledge structure that is based on Chinese culture; to perfect my current art project by study, absorbing and combining the cream of western and global arts into it and to reach the goal: to create a cross-culture and comprehensive art in art field; while to create a new subject Poetry, Painting, Music: Comprehensive and Artistic Chinese in language field; to create better art works, find and found a theory basis and a business model.

I choose Missouri State University as the only university that I have applied in the US, because I am a graduate of it, my art dream was true in its location - Springfield and my cross-cultural and comprehensive art was started and developed from the university. Since 2008, the good education, help and support from the university and Missouri people, have been the most important strength to encourage me to fight with the sicknesses and to push my little project forward; the wide connections and the good foundation on that land, the warm and helpful people, simple and honest folkway, strong and sincere Christian atmosphere, let me feel safety and comfortable; and the enthusiasm, interest and friendship of the local people to Chinese culture made me feel what I did and me as a foreigner were welcomed there.

The sense of belonging and the sense of safety in every travel of mine, let me think that Springfield and Missouri State University may be the most suitable and the best foothold of me to develop my little cross-culture and comprehensive art in America, then to be extend the other places and countries. Just for these ideas, early in May, 2010, I had donated and saved 64 of my best paintings at that time in Springfield and then in Missouri State University; then in Feb, 2014, I save another few boxes of data there. I have been buying and cumulating something more in Beijing, for I have been wishing to carry and donate them there at some suitable time, to found a base for my little project.

Since 2010, at the same time to fight with the sicknesses, I have completed the study in the best academy of fine arts of China and the highest Chinese art research institute in Beijing. And then at almost similar time, a new MFA program is started at Missouri State University. It seems as if the good arrangement of God and it seems like I have heard the calling of the God, I would really like to put down all of the other things to catch this opportunity.

Both of you and I could not imagine what a lucky student I am:

-- July 11, 2014, Professor Clifton M. Smart – President of Missouri State University wrote a recommendation for me;

-- July 15, 2014, Professor Man Wenqi – Executive Associate Dean of Chinese Painting School at Chinese National Academy of Arts wrote a recommendation for me;

-- July 17, 2014, Mr. Brad Bodenhausen - Director of International Leadership and Training Center at Missouri State University and former Executive Manager of Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce wrote a recommendation for me.

-- July 19, 2014, Ms. Leah Hamilton - Director of Arts Administration at Drury University and former Executive Director of Springfield Region Art Council wrote a recommendation for me.

-- August 3, 2014, Dr. Bill R. Booth – Emeritus Art Professor who was an Art Administrator for 43 years and my mentor since 2009, wrote a recommendation for me.

With a so touched heart and endless gratitude, I am thinking, in case I am lucky enough to be admitted by the MFA program, except I wish to get a new education opportunity, I would also like to do some actual jobs for my Alma Mater and Missouri people during the study or in 3 years:

-- Try to open some new courses ( Poetry, Painting, Music: Comprehensive Chinese Art or Traditional Chinese Paining; Poetry, Painting, Music: Comprehensive and Artistic Chinese ) for the university and for local public.

-- Organize students who are native English speakers to take part in the edition jobs of my publications, offer them opportunity to study Chinese culture, art and language deeper and earlier than the others; at the same time to improve the quality of the publications, to bring some international honor for the university and for the participators.

-- Found the first base of the cross-culture and comprehensive art project in Missouri State University or in Springfield;

-- Make preparative for founding a little Chinese Art Museum bases on the base in Missouri State University or in Springfield;

-- Make preparative for organizing and founding some economic entities, to found a cultural and creative industry under the leading by some stronger organizations; work together, to open a new channel to help the development of the local economy in both of Missouri State, USA and in China.

When I write here, there is a quite complex emotion with some light sadness and a comforted feeling in my heart. After all, at the time I have lost the qualification to write a dissertation for MFA in China; I am considered as an Eligible applicant by the International Services at Missouri State University and I am recommended by the President and my Mentors and friends… I will cherish my luck and to work hard for servicing and helping more people and this world.

Anyway, no matter what has happened and what will happen to me, I have realized with some ache on my heart: English, has become the biggest block to obstruct me and my project going forward. I must find a most efficient method and with harder work, to resolve this problem.

The good news: The apartment we bought in Sydney, Australia will be offered the end of 2014, my son welcomes me to live in his home since March, 2015. A relative in the same city welcomes me to live in her house for 3 months. I am thinking when and how I should go to see them.

How about you? Do you have anything special to share this week? Would you like to help me to improve my English?

Shirley Yiping Zhang
August 11, 2014 (Beijing Time)
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