International Travels & Services

The Favorable Climate,Graphical Advantages & Good Human Relations - Shirley's 480th Friendly Greeting - March 10, 2015

How are you? Are you enjoying your new week?

On my side, the past 9 days since I wrote to you last time were unforgettable and the day March 5 was dramatic.

-- At 9: 30a.m. march 5, I got my new American visa for 10 years since 2015 to 2025. That means no matter in time or in geography, things are getting much more convenient. Along with my travel to the USA will be done at any time from any place in the upcoming 10 years, I will be able to to work on my cross-culture and comprehensive art project via creating / art exhibition, researching ( writing book or papers) and teaching ( two courses on “ Poetry, Painting, Music: Comprehensive and Artistic Chinese ” which is created by myself in China first and “ Traditional Chinese Painting ” ) on the mainland of America, the current problems relate to geographical location, English environment and target market will be resolved at the same time.

When I write here, I cannot help thinking of a Chinese maxim: 天时,地利,人和 tiānshí,dì lì,rén hé which was mentioned in Meng Zi – The Book of Mencius and Sun Zi Bing Fa -- Master Sun's Art of War in the Spring and Autumn Period ( 770 B.C. to 476 B.C. or 453 B.C. or 403B.C.) “ favorable climate, topographical advantages and good human relations ” are something necessary for people to obtain the victory in a war. Among the three elements, none was dispensable.

Now the interesting coincidence that my 10-year project plan and my 10-year American visa have been started /given at almost the same time in the same year -- March, 2015, at the beginning of the Chinese New Year. It really reminds me the best suitable “ climate ” in fact the big environment or the international atmosphere relates to my cross culture project has come; the longer time and freer travel will give me much more graphical advantages; more and more people have given me their hands in the process of my dream seeking has found a good human relations around of my little project.

With a grateful heart, I appreciate the guide of the God, the good relationship between China and the US and much help from my professors, tutors, former bosses, doctors, friends and family members has found a good human relations for me as well. Three of the conditions on “Climate, Geography and Human Relation” have been basically mature. It is really the time for me to make the best use of my time and to live each day of the upcoming 3,650 days as spending the last day of my life.

Therefore, since I wrote to you last time, within the past 9 days, I have written /corrected 3 articles, have painted 2 new paintings, have been keeping taking 3 English examination papers and reading 3 English articles and jogging 500 meters every day. Used for 420 minutes, I have jogged 10,500 meters since Feb 10. Even though I cannot jog with a normal speed yet, I have been able to walk fast.

-- At about 10:30a.m. March 5, I registered and became a candidate of the National English (Graduate) Examination on May 31 for applying the opportunity to write dissertation for my second master degree. I do not need go back Chinese National Academy of Arts in Beijing on March 9 or 10 to register face to face and to leave my fingerprints because I had done it last year.

-- At about 11:30a.m. I wrote to the contact of the publishing house for making sure something about the volume two of the series books and DVD according to our appointment in 2014.

-- At about 12:00, a tutor called me from Beijing and informed me to hand in a painting as the expense if I want to attend the lesson of painting for 1 week from the nature in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province March 15.

-- At about 12:30 a.m. I called Mr. Lin Bin who is the Chairman of Australia Chinese School Association in Sydney and invited him to be one of the advisors of my publication.

-- At about 4:30p.m. I got the responding of the publishing house and they would like to put off the work on the second volume of our last series.

In spite of I worked on business for many years and was used of confronting the unexpectable changes, still I was at a loss suddenly so that I put down my work to make a self-examination about my work while I talked with some friends who I considered as my tutors or guiders to consult them about the new situation.

After thinking for about 10 hours, I realized, except the economic and financial reason that the publishing house mentioned, my own shake in the second half year of 2014 may be one of the reasons affected the publishing house’s determinations? After all, for the same reason, I myself gave up the opportunity to teach the foreign students at a college and to work on the publication with the instructors of the college in Beijing.

With a shamed and heavy but not frustrated heart, I sent the data I did but be printed in China when I was in the US in Feb, 2014 to the publishing house and wrote a message to their leaders on March 7. I am going to try to do my best and hope to be able to make things re-work early; while I sent a painting to my school in Beijing for I wanted to give myself some days to think since the lesson of painting from nature will be started in several days.

You cannot imagine what a lucky person I am! I have gotten so much help at the moment I had no an idea suddenly and my mind was in the muddled temporarily:

-- Dr. Huo Xuewen who is the Secretary of Party Leadership Group and the Vice Deputy Director General of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Financial Work wrote to me on March 6: “ Do not attend the lesson of painting from the nature but concentrate your efforts on preparing what you must do for developing your program in the USA. ”

-- Professor Jiang Yaping who is the President and Chief Editor of China Land and Resources Newspaper Office, the first and former Chief Editor of People's Daily Online, one of my former bosses and an advisor of my publication required me over a phone call on March 7: to keep completing your manuscript of the book no matter what has happened and will happen to you; he would like to give me a hand from Beijing.

-- Mr. Zhao Mingliang who is a senior reporter of Xinhua News Agency suggested me on March 6: to keep writing and finishing the book before going back to Beijing and he would like to help me to resolve my problem in Beijing.

-- Dr. Liu Juli who is the Secretary of Party Committee of Shenzhen Auditing Bureau encouraged me on March 5 and March 6: to keep working on the book and she would like to see me and to help me in Shenzhen.

-- Mr. Stephen Robinette who is an Associate Vice President of Missouri State University and the American advisor of my publication required me on March 6: “You need to focus on your next project, be it the book or anything else and do that. You can't do all the things you want to do in China and the United States all at the same time. ”

All of these good directions helped my mind get clear and went out of the muddled situation. Just felt blank for about 10 hours, quickly, I continued to work on my book with a peaceful heart. Except for the foreword, I have completed all of the text part of the second volume of my series already.

-- Mrs. Zhang Xiaogang who is my sister and a senior high school English teacher for 30 years is checking and correcting what I have written for me and often gives me a professional direction over a phone call.

Do you know? Now in America, Ms. Peggy Hanes, the assistant of the Library of Park Central Branch of the Springfield – Green County Library has arranged every thing already for my 5 th cross-culture and comprehensive art exhibition sponsored by her Library Sept 1 to 30, 2015 and my presentation and demonstrations about Chinese art, music and poetry will be given on Sept 4, 2015 at 6:00p.m.

-- Mrs. Kat Allie, the Department Chair of Art and Humanities and Fine Art Gallery Manager and the sponsor of my 4 th Cross Culture and Comprehensive Art Exhibition Feb 7 to Feb 28 , 2014 will help me on my dream of giving two sorts of courses “ Poetry, Painting, Music: Comprehensive and Artistic Chinese ” and “ Traditional Chinese Painting ” to the students at Ozark Technical Community College.

-- Dr. Jessica Gerard of Ozarks Technical Community College will arrange me to give a groups of American Chinese children and a group of her students who will travel to China in 2016 some lessons after I reach in America.

-- Mrs. Wanda Nava who is the art teacher of Seymour R II School and one of my best American work partners 2010 to 2014 and will have to retire ahead for her health problem May, 2015 would like to recommend me to her succession.

-- Mrs. Chris Prost who is a professional artist had gotten the permission of her leader and then she has invited me to make a speech or demonstration for a group of artists in Missouri State.

At the same time in China, even though I had no time to send my Chinese New Year’s Greeting to all my about 1,100 cell phone connects as I did, still I have gotten 128 sincere greetings and response to my few massagers on Chinese New Year’s Day and the last day of the Chinese New Year’s Holiday -- the Lantern Festival. Now I would like to share 7 of them touched me:

--- Dr. Yao Xiaobin who is a tutor of MBA students of Shenzhen University and a tutor of International Training Center of Shenzhen Personnel Bureau and my tutor who recommended and advised me to study in American in 2007 and 2008 wrote to me on March 6, 2015 :

I am very glad to get your information every time. To do something enjoyable when your health allows is very difficult but very happy. This times requires us to give out to our dreams an effort and does not regret of our lives; meanwhile, it requires us to create and to innovation. Only the innovated things can have new vitality. It has been a new year already, wish you healthy, lucky, peaceful and a happy Lantern Festival.

-- Mrs. Zeng Qiang who is one of my former students at the training center of Resident Communities of Shuangqiu Road and a former college instructor in Beijing wrote me on March 5, 2015:

Ms. Zhang, classmates and I in the art class often talk about you and we all miss you and appreciate you for your patient teaching. You have helped us knowing the importance of painting from the nature and Chinese Baimiao Painting. They are the foundation of painting practice. Meanwhile, we have also learned your spirit of hard work and the style of serious study. You have set up a good example for us and wish you to make more achievement in the new year.

--- Mrs. Liu Jun who is my former middle school teacher in Beijing wrote to me on March 6 :

I was touched by your message. Fate is not a chance; it is in fact a choice. You did not wait for the arrangement of the destiny, but to create your own fate rely on your own effort. You have a strong will which cannot be broken. You are always front of the fight of life. It did not only encourage you to pursuit your dream of success, but also, it has trained your confidence, courage, a positive life attitude, to keep overcoming all the setbacks. I do wish you to reach the peak of your dream. Pay attention to strike a proper balance between work and rest since health is your capital.

-- Professor Mu Jiashan of Chinese National Academy of Arts who was also a guest professor of Harvard University,Yale University, Maryland Institute College of Art, Beijing University and Tsinghua University, stayed in the US for 15 years wrote to me on Feb 27,2015:

Study well, you can apply for being a master student of mine.

-- Ms. Huang Ying who is my second music coach from Shanghai Music Conservatory wrote to me on Feb 26, 2015:

I do admire your hard work and achievement. You are really my example to learn. I do wish you always full of youthful spirit, young and happy. I read your letters often and it has been encouraging me to go forward. Now I am founding an artistic high school and it will be worked with Shanghai Music Conservatory. I will invite you to come to have a visit after the school
has begun to take shape.

-- Ms. Gong Yuntao who is the Deputy Chief Editor of Securities Newspaper Office and one of my former bosses wrote to me on Feb 22, 2015:

Every time, when I see you, I feel deeply ashamed of myself; every time I hear from you, I am quite happy for you. You have not been giving up your dream seeking and you have made life bright and colored the fields you have been. We are looking up you at the foot of the mountain and wish you to clime on the high peak. Happy New Year and All the Best.

-- Professor Man Weiqi who is the Deputy Associate Dean of Chinese Painting School at Chinese National Academy of Arts and the art advisor of my publication wrote to me on Feb 24, 2015:

Your effort and your hard work this way will be certainly born abundant and excellent results; making a sustained endeavor, you will certainly achieve a great success.

--- Mr. Tao Yueming who is my former classmate and the monitor of my class at Chinese National Academy of Arts in 2011 to 2012 class year wrote to me on March 6, 2015:

It is for a long time I had not seen your art works. It is amazing that you have painted so well. I would like to congratulate you and learn from you. Especially I would like to learn your hard work style and you are my example on my art study road.

When I write here, I cannot help smiling to myself for I have had the 天时, 地利, 人和tiānshí,dì lì,rén hé – the favorable climate, graphical advantages and good human relations already. I would really like to cherish my good luck and every precious opportunity; try to do my best to work on the great cause of helping more people and this world with successive effort and hard work down to earth.

How about you? Do you have anything special to share in the past 9 days? Are you interested in my “ Poetry, Painting, Music: Comprehensive and Artistic Chinese ” or “ Traditional Chinese Painting”? Would you like to have me to do something with you together for the adults or students in your place? Sincerely,

Shirley Yiping Zhang
March 10, 2015 (Beijing Time)
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