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A blessing in Disguise-- Shirley's 460 Friendly Greeting, August 25, 2014

How are you? Have you started the new week with a big smile? I do hope you have.

To be honest, before I started this letter to you, I had no idea about its title. Because, since I was failed on two big things, I have done so many things: I have painted 2 Chinese Gongbi Paintings that I had not touched for 1 year; I have re-started to study English every morning and at the time I waited for the color dry; I have also re-started my new book; Even, I have changed my cell phone and found a Friends Circle, re-connected my old friends who do not often work on their computers.

However, this time, instead of giving myself a deadline, and then to work according to my mind; I am working following my heart. No matter painting, English studying or book writing, just be done at the time I want, as an enjoyment.

I do want to change a way to live the rest time of my life. To live it with an easy and happy style, instead of living under too much pressure that was from myself, as I have done for many years.

In this sense, I do feel the failure “ a blessing in disguise ” ; I have felt much easy and relaxation. Even I have had time to read something that gives me some inspirations:

-- Why Is a Rive Winding? The answer is: winding going forward, is the natural state of the world, as a river goes its sinuous way across the mountains and plains, then it can reach the ocean, as long as we can keep a natural heart and carrying on a goal in the face of frustrations and failures, we can also make our dream to be true.

Anyway, to keep a dream does not mean to work on it blindly, but we should go a roundabout way when the original plans or ideas do not work. Just like the river bypasses the mountains and stones, then goes into the sea.

-- George Smith Patton, Jr said: 衡量一个人的成功标志,不是看他登到顶峰的高度,而是看他跌到低谷的反弹力( I have no the original article) according to the Chinese, the meaning is:
To measure a person's success is not to see the height he has reached, but the rebound strength after he has fell into the lowest points of a valley.

Here is a true story: Mr. Zhu Shijian, a small official in a city in Yunnan, became a Rightist at his 31 years old in a political movement in 1957 and he had to carry his wife and daughter to go to the countryside to work; 20 years later, when he was 51, he was liberated and be appointed to be the factory manager of a little factory that was nearly bankrupt, after working for 18 years, his factory became the biggest enterprise in his industry in Asia and created 99.1 billion; then he was put into the prison at his 71 years old, his daughter suicided in the prison; 3 years later, at his 74, he was released on bail for medical service, then at his 75, with his wife together, he climbed up Ailao Mountain, to contract with 2,400 mu mountains to plant orange. And it needs for 6 years, then the orange can produce fruit. Can you imagine? In 6 years, at his 81, his Lizhi Orange became one of the most shopping-rush goods. Right now, his property has been over 100 million once more.

To be honest, since I changed my cell phone, I have gotten so many articles every day, this is the only article I have delivered to all of my friends. I do think this story does not prove the words of General Smith Patton, Jr, the most importance is, it has given us a very important topic to think and to study. What is the most important factor to decide a person’s success?

Except a strong will and hard work, to find the best method, to work and live scientifically, to find the best suitable road to reduce the possibility to go on too many winding road maybe something quite important.

-- In one phase can have only one key point. One of reasons I was fail, maybe for I have too key points at the same time, so that the others do not know how to work with me and I am busy rushing from one to another, so that I care for this and lose that. Failure is not avoided. Right?

With these ideas, I had a good week with painting, English studying, and just reviewing one article for my new book. Even though I have had the data enough for the book already. Instead of working in a hurry, both of my work partner and I were working on an innovation, try to improve our work efficiency by the modern technology.

How about you? Do you have anything special to share?

Shirley Yiping Zhang
August 25, 2014 (Beijing Time)
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