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The 4th Year at CNAA as a Formal Student -- Shirley's 465th Friendly Greeting--Oct 13, 2014

How are you? Have you entered a wonderful new week?

On my side, as soon as the National Vacation was finished on Oct 7, we started a tight schedule.

-- Oct 8, Dr. Cao Jianhua (he is on the first photo) of Chinese National Academy of Arts gave us three Chinese Landscape lessons: painting theory, commented students' landscape paintings and made a demonstration for 2 hours.

Oct 9, Mr. Zhou Wusheng (he is on the second and third photos) from Tianjin Academy of Arts gave us two Chinese Mogu Flower and Bird lessons: painting theory, two demonstrations for 5 hours, and then to comment students’ flower and bird paintings.

Oct 10, Professor Han Xuezhong(he is on the fourth photo) who is the Head of Teaching Department of Chinese Painting School at Chinese National Academy of Arts gave us 3 lessons: painting theory, commented the feature paintings of students, made a demonstration for about 2 hours.

So, in the first two business weeks, we have had 3 lectures and 3 whole days' technical lessons on different subjects.

Because of the good arrangement of the Teaching Department of Chinese Painting School at Chinese National Academy of Arts, all of these lesson were given on different business days, students can attend any lesson freely.

I was lucky enough to attend all of these lessons and made video about 80 GB already. During the process, all my flower and bird paintings, landscape paintings and feature paintings that I carried with me from Shenzhen or America, or paintings I just completed in Beijing have been commented by my professors or tutors.

The direct result of these lessons and comments was: I did feel that I have learned so much new knowledge and technical skills. Something confused in my mind have been clear. The wonderful courses and the good teaching styles that Chinese National Academy of Arts offers us is really worth me to stay in Beijing for another 1 or maybe 2 or 3 years.

So, as soon as the last lesson was finished Friday evening, I decided to pay 100% of the tuition , to get a new certificate of CNAA as its formal student, instead of paying 60% of the tuition as an auditor (Can be given all of the lessons and be treated as same as a formal student, but no any certificate).

I did that for I thought:

-- Since I decided to stay in Beijing with so high opportunity cost and financial cost, I should be a formal student, instead of an auditor;

-- I do not want to experience the embarrassed situation once more: July, 2014, I applied a study opportunity of Master of Fine Arts in a western university since its fall semester (middle of August), 2014. However, I could not offer the official transcript (to be sealed by my university) of my degree of Bachelor of Arts ( Chinese language and literature ) in time according to the requirement of the university, because Chinese universities were in their summer vacation between July to September. Even though my classmates went there 3 times, it could not be given until Sept 24, 2014.

Since a Master of Fine Arts degree of Chinese National Academy would be given base on 4 steps: have a Bachelor Degree and get a Certificate (I have had few) of my class, pass a National English Examination, write Dissertation, make (thesis) Oral Defense. I will have another 3 steps. Before I get it.

So, I hope my art educational background could be proved by something before I get my Degree of Master of Fine Arts.

The biggest gain in the past week was, I do realize:

-- Detail decides the quality of an art works. Can you imagine? I have worked on my little painting for 7 days (usually I worked on it for 4 or 5 days), still Professor Han Xuezhong - the head of teaching department of Chinese Painting School at Chinese National Academy of Arts said I did not work seriously enough, so that the other classmates responded that Shirley was the most serious student. Then when I saw how Professor Han worked in person, just I realized what the meaning he said, then I found so many places I had not done well enough.

-- Material decides the quality of an at works:

In the past 2 weeks' lessons, we were asked to change our tools and to use the best materials to work once and once.

Even though I have not totally realized its importance yet, I have changed my colors, thin silk, ink sticks, inkstone, color dishes, brushes, pencils and so on. So that I do realize, to paint is just to spend money. :-) Anyway, I trust my professors, so, I am following the requirements of the school to work.

-- A friend indeed, a friend in need:

Ms. Peggy Hanes from Park Central Branch Library in Springfield, MO, USA has responded me that their library not only agreed with me to change my art exhibition and events at their library in Feb, 2015 to be moved in August or September, 2015, but also, she told me whom I should connect if I wish to do something more or else with the other branches of their library.

Mr. Charlie Quan Zhang - My former colleague in Securities Times Newspaper Office, Shenzhen City Panorama Network Company and Shenzhen Securities Information Company and my current work partner of Ebridge Cross-cultural and Comprehensive Art Project, has sent books, paintings and anything else I needed from Shenzhen to me with 3 boxes already.

Mr. Yang Guangyin - My former classmate in China Central Academy of Arts and current general manager of an art organization came to see me.

Mr. Nie Wansheng - My former colleague in Shenzhen Stock Exchange and his a colleague came to see me.

Mr. Zhang Shuliang - My former colleague in Shenzhen City Panorama Network Company and Shenzhen Securities Information Co. Ltd and now works in China's Securities Regulatory Commission came to see me.

Many friends from America and China wrote to me to express their concern and good wishes to me.

My son called me from Australia 8 times...

All of these made me feel luck enough, to be respected and be welcome in the world...

So, now, I have totally gone out of the hesitation. With a peaceful heart, I have involved into my study in Beijing. I am going to do my best to study Chinese Traditional Arts, to create something new and better for the contemporary people, while to fight and try to overcome the sicknesses.

This week, I have overcome a new serious headache with a vomiting at the same time. I am going to over come the other bad feelings along with the time...

You are welcome to see the big zise photos by click the link

How about you? Do you have anything special in the past a week?

Shirley Yiping Zhang
Oct 13, 2014 (Beijing Time)
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