International Travels & Services

Going Forward - Shirley's 481st Friendly Greeting - March 25, 2015

How are you?

On my side, since the publishing house told me to put off the publishing plan, my work order has been adjusted from Writing Book; Studying English; Paining to be Studying English; Updating Web Site; Wring Book and Painting. And I have asked a leave for 1 month (March 15 to April 15) from Chinese National Academy of Arts since I will have no time to work on them before I leave for the USA after I complete the study of 4th class year in CNAA.

As usual, every week I work for 100 to 105 hours and since Dec 31, I have attended 118 English lessons and answered 4,218 questions ( worked on 2,418 questions times). My new web site will start its test running in April and the current web site will work parallel for another 3 to 6 months.

At the same time working on my English and the web site, still I work on the book, DVD and painting as soon as I am in the mood to compose or paint. Now I have completed the text part of the book and DVD while I have composed all pieces of the music. In the past 14 days, I have created 2 piece of music and painted a new Chinese Mogu painting.

Except working on Chinese art, language and culture, I am also interested in studying Western art and culture. Therefore, now on my web site, there has been a new column names Exotic Artists' Works ( temporary name ) to introduce Non Chinese Artists and their art works. The first art works is An Encaustic on Wood --Cherry Blossom Sojourn created by an American Artist -- Mrs. Kat Allie who is the Department Chair of Fine Arts of Humanities and Manager of Art Gallery of Ozarks Technique Community College and the sponsor of my 4th art exhibiton in the USA on the home page of my own web site. You are welcome to clink the links below or here to enjoy it.

If you are an artist and would like to share your art works with my readers and friends from more than 30 countries via my newsletter and web site or cell phone massages, you are welcome to connect me and you will be able to upload your own art works by yourself in the near future. :- )

There are some good news I would like to share with you:

-- One of my good friends Dr. Liu Juli who is the Secretary of Party Committee of Shenzhen Auditing Bureau (she is on the first photo) came to see me at my home March 20. She will also accompany an English literature professor from a British University to meet me and to disscuss somthing about giving me a hand on my book and project April 7 or 8.

-- One of my former classmates of China Central Academy of Fine Arts Mr. He Wenjian(he is on the second phone) who is from Holland came to see me on March 16 when he went through the customs between Hong Kong and Shenzhen and then to have a travel in the inland of China. Officiate as host, I invited him to have a meal and we exchanged and discussed some ideas about creating more and better cross-culure and comprehensive art works and its running style.

He has invited me to paint from the nature in Hong Kong or in Europe some day.

-- So far, I have kept jogging for 44 days and 24,500 meters (80,380 feet) or 24.5 kilometers (15.22 miles) already. Every day, I have an aerobic exercise for about 60 minutes and jogging for 40 minutes. Since March 11, my daily jogging distance has been raised to 1,000 meters (3,280.83 feet), 1,100 (3608.93 feet ) or 1,200 (3936.99 feet) meters from 500 (1640.41 feet) meters already.

The best news is on the 41st to the 43rd day, the pain on my legs was gone even though now it has come back again. :-) Anyway, the degree of ache has lower so much and a lot of edema has disappeared. :-)

I am excited for the big change so much that I think of the word " rebirth " and try to recall what I have done recently and want to find the reasons.

I am guessing, apart from I am living in a warm clime by sea, which current temperature is similar in May in Beijing, perhaps it is because of the variety of my diet at home?

Can you imagine? In the past 65 days, instead of eating any freezed food or meat, every day, I spent for about 20 minutes on buying fresh vegetable and friut by walking to the supermarkets. Except jogging 24,500 meters (80,380 feet )and ate in the restaurants twice, I myself cooked all my meals and I have eaten 25 fishes and some crabs which were alive before I bought them back from the supermarkets (the clerts would deal with and clean them for me face to face)and then I cooked them with much shallot, ginger, vinegar, rock candy and soy but no any salt and often I chew some small fish bones that has been baked well. My original idea was to improve my eyesight for I could not see clear in the nights when I was in Beijing and ate too much meat or unhealthy food as a student living far away from home; I did not think it has helped the recovery of my bone and immune system at the same time. So, now I just realize almost every material in my dishes is in fact some traditional Chinese herbal medicine and has the similar function to clean out of the cold fectors from human bodies.

The so comfortable and so fresh feeling there was no any ache in my bones for 3 days within about 6 years has really given me so much confidence in overcoming the illnesses by doing exercise and improving my diet quality.

To be honest, I should go to hospital to have a health check since my last surgery was done in August, 2013 but I have not gone yet for I have no time and I do not want to have the 8th surgery at all. Because I know clear, in case of accepting a check in my digest system, I will be given another surgury certainly. : -)

On the surface, it was/is same that I did/do not want to go into any hospital 5 years ago and now. But then, what I thought was how to catch up my time to work and then to deal with something after I pass away so that I spent much time on a will. Right now what I think is how to overcome the illness and to live and work better for another 30 years; therefore, I have spent much time on working out and on performing a 10-year plan on my cross-culture and comprehensive art 2015 to 2025.

Anyway, I wish to recover resorting some way moderate instead of any surgery again. :- )

With a grateful heart, March 17, I wrote two letters to America. One was written to my American Alma Mater – Missouri State University to celebrate her 110th birthday and to thank the university’s teaching, help and support; the other was written to my first and deceased American art teacher Mr. Charlie K to celebrate his birthday while to report what have happened on my side and to wish him peaceful and lucky in the heaven.

I am lucky enough for my first letter getting a good responding from Mr. William Brent Dunn– a Vice President of Missouri State University quickly; I am sad deeply for my second letter has been returned back as I have met in the past 8 years since Mr. Charlie K passed away in 2007. Instead of painting a new picture, this year, I shared a gouache I painted from the nature 12 years ago to memory of him.

At the same time to wish the one who died sleep peacefully, as the one who still survived, I will try to my best to study and to improve myself each day and try to go forward with a healthy physique and a beautiful soul step by step. I would really like to follow the good education of my universities in both of America and in China while to inherit the dying wishes of Mr. Charlie K has left. To study and to live better for becoming a true artist and a person useful and helpful on the earth.

How about you, do you have anything special to share?

Shirley Yiping Zhang
March 25, 2015 (Beijing Time)
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