International Travels & Services

The 15th Friendly Greeting From Shirley, China, Sat, Nov 26, 2005

How are you? Have you had a good week? Are you enjoying your weekend?

I have got my YAMAHA keyboard. However, when I had my music lesson, I more enjoy my traditional piano still. :-) Also, I have had my Midi lesson for 6 hours and learned something how to create music with a software at my computer. It is so supernatural that to see what I played on the keyboard to be changed some numbered musical notation or stuff. :-)

I started to learn to translate some literature works by Mr.Bruce Holland Rogers. That is a very challenge work. but I am excited to start it and I am confident to learn to do something best for I have the great help and support from a best author and some very good friends. :-)

Another fun thing is that the post station sent 200 piece of special paper for Chinese Gongbi and Chinese Xieyi painting. My art teacher ordered for me from Sichuan province. One piece is 2.38 meters long and 1 meter wide. That means it will be longer 76 meters if you put it around a football ground. My teacher asked me to us all of them and to be a professional artist in 5 years. :-) Oh, 5 years. That really often makes me wish to retire today and to paint full time for another 2.5 years, then to be a professional artist. :- )

So, I am going to order my thoughts and focus my limited free time on painting, literature translation and melodizing for the Chinese clssical poems... :-) Web site will be my "stage" to show what I have done for you...:-)

I am just a learner on art, music, English and the work on the web site. Anyway, I would really like to do a little bit things with what I have learned to make this little web site to be An Electronic Bridge Of Culture Exchange, Friendship, and Language Learning.

I am so lucky that I have got many directions and help from many kind friends, I would really like to thank all of you for your good help and supports.

If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to , or, You are welcomed.

Written and Edited On Sat, Nov 26, 2005

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