International Travels & Services

After the Second Operation- Shirley's 231st Friendly Greeting - Sun., Dec 13,2009

How are you? I do hope that you are doing well and enjoy your weekend.

I do appreciate you and all of the friends who are caring for me and have written to me. Since I am escaping from the hospital tonight, so, this is just a letter to say Hello, to tell you something on my side and to avoid you worrying about me.

Friday morning, I had my second operation. After 24 hours, a doctor drew out of the stomach tube from my nose Saturday morning, even though there was still some blood inside, I felt that I re-changed to be a normal person, so, I made a joke that I was not like an elephant again. Then I had a long long sleep for 14 hours Saturday night.

Before the second operation, my father "Ordered" me stay in the hospital instead of flying back Wuxi Friday night to attend the my mother's funeral Saturday morning as I planed; the operation and the stomach tube also did not allow me to fly, so, my brother entrusted a company to make a video for me to see my mother and her funeral via a DVD...

The tumor that was removed from my body has been sent to check. The result will be known in 3 business days.

A good feeling is that the young doctors in the hospital have very good professional level, just like the young city ? Shenzhen, full of the alive and involved themselves into their professional work. :-) They have found something that I had never told them at all -- I felt one of my knee joints ache first time when I was in my second traveling to look after my mother. I did not tell the doctors for I did not think that would relate to my digestive system. But, today, a doctor asked me whether I was aching on my joints and he told me that the doctor who is charge of me had asked a CT checking for me tomorrow.

I was so surprised so that I could not help smiling for finding that these young doctors are so wonderful! :-) So, tomorrow, I would like to tell them that I had overdosed using the painkiller it to stop my headache during I was in the US. I have also aching on one of my knee joints for about 1 month. I am starting to trust these young doctors and I am getting confidence with them more and more... :- )

So, today, I have taken some photos in my sickroom, to remember this place that I have come first time and to remember these great doctors. :-)

Meanwhile, I am catching every minute to paint out of the pictures in my mind. I would really like to bring the others some beautiful feeling with my own art creating. Now, I have drafted two pictures on my sketchbook in my sickbed already. I do hope to bring you an enjoyment. :- )

Take care and thanks, have a good day.


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