After the talking with Dr. Wenrong Yan, afternoon, Sep 23, I went back along with a little road that I had gone many times when I was a student of Missouri State University 2008 - 2009.
When I walked on it, I felt so delight, because:
-- On this road, I met the first alive animal that I met in America - a little squirrel on the first day I went to the school alone and it took away the light frustration in my heart and brougt me the first fresh and good emotion on the strange land.
-- On the road, I met the first American friend who waked his hand and asked me go ahead in his car, let me feel a different and gentle American culture.
-- On the road, I med the first friend who was from Beijing - Mr. Zhou Yiran and it was he to help me to open the gate to study art and to deliver Chinese culture to Kentucky, USA.
-- On the road, I had the idea to translate the Chinese folk song
Guxian de Xiaolu -- The Little Road in My Hometown and to sing it in Chinese and in English. Started my new comprehensive art series:
Shirley's Bilingual Song Series.
-- Also, on the road, I saw the thick ice and snow on it. As a student who was from the South of China, I did feel what was the bitter cold in the other side of the Ocean.
This is a road that has recorded my growing up and it has remained so many wonderful memories on it.
If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to . You are welcome to publish your opinions in
Message Board as well.
Shirley Yiping Zhang
Oct 9, 2013