Home / Chinese Painting & Comprehensive Art Gallery / Shirley's Chinese Paintings / Shirley's Art 790- Stories Behind My Paintings-Chinese Xieyi-431-A155-Shirley's 185th Assignment in Chinese National Academy of Arts -Feb 12, 2013
Shirley's Art 790- Stories Behind My Paintings-Chinese Xieyi-431-A155-Shirley's 185th Assignment in Chinese National Academy of Arts -Feb 12, 2013
Wang Xiang's mother passed away when he was very young. His stepmother did not treat him kindly and she slandered him in the presence of his father so that he lost the love of his father. However, he still treated his parents very well.
One day, his stepmother was sick and wanted to eat fresh fish. It was the winter and the weather was cold and the land was freeze. For getting the carp, Wang Xiang took off his clothes and lain on the ice of a river, suddenly the ice melted by itself and two big carps jumped out of the river. After his stepmother ate it, the sickness was gone.
Wang Xiang had lived in seclusion for more than 20 years, then he became an official from a county magistrate of Wen County (in today's Henan Province) and then many high rank offical position, until the supreme government official in charge of military affairs
I painted this painting with so much move and respect.
I really hope that my effort will be some help with you to learn Chinese culture and art.