Listen to Shirley Sang the Song In English July 11, 2009 in the US
Listen to Shirley Sang the Song In Chinese July 11, 2009 in the US
Listen to Shirley Sang the Song In Chinese May 15, 2006 in China
In Chinese culture, the sun always relates to the beauty of masculine and man, the moon always relates to the beauty of gentle and woman. And in the art of literature, painting and music, the moon and moonlight always relates to love, to help people to express their missing, thinking of and loving feelings. This famous Chinese folk/popular song, just expresses how a couple of wife and husband miss each other in the moon night, support each other and to work for the country, for the others and also for their own family members together.
I learned this song first time in 2006 and sang it in Chinese and translated it into English. But, then, it seemed like impossible for me to sing is in English.
After studying in the US for about 10 months and re-translated and re-sang about 20 Chinese songs base on my original over 200 Chinese song and poems translation practice that I had done in China, now, I suddenly feel that I have had the courage to translate any Chinese songs, and the singing also changing a little bit smoothly.
So, this Saturday, I re-translated it and tried to sing it in English and in Chinese. I do hope that my effort will be some help of you to learn Chinese culture and Chinese language.
Listen to Shirley Sang the Song In English July 11, 2009 in the US
Listen to Shirley Sang the Song In Chinese July 11, 2009 in the US
Fifteen's moonlight, shines home shines the frontier. in the quiet night, you are missing me I'm missing you.
You're moving the baby's cradle, I am patrolling on the frontier; you are working in the field in the hometown, I am standing guard in the borderland
Ah... In the fruit, there is your sweet, there is my sweet; Military Medal you have a half. I have the other a half.
Fifteen's moonlight, shines home shines the frontier. In the quiet night, you are missing me I am missing you.
You look after our presents at home I dedicate to the country in the frontier.
You're shouldering the duty of raising the family, I am safeguarding the country's safety.
Ah, the country's prosperous, there is your contribution There is my countribution.
Families are reunion is my wish, it is your wish.
Ah, it is your wish...
Listen to Shirley Sang the Song In English July 11, 2009 in the US
Listen to Shirley Sang the Song In Chinese July 11, 2009 in the US
篋篋 -- shiwu de yuelian 絎銀后莨 -- chao zai jiaxiang zhao zhai bianguan鐚 絎紊 -- lingjing de yewan 篏箙綽箙綽 -- ni ye sinian wo ye sinian 篏絎紿翫膀莨 -- wo shou zai yiner de yaolan bian鐚 綏 腑莨牙鎖 -- ni xunluo zai zuguo de bianfangxian 篏絎銀后 -- wo zai jiaxiang gengyun zhuo nongtian鐚 莨 腴絏-- ni zai bianjiang ziban -- ah, 筝井倶-- fengshou guo li 篏 -- you ni de gantian鐚 箙 -- ye you wo de gantian鐚 腴 -- jungong zhang a 筝 -- you wo de yiban 箙篏筝 -- ye you ni de yiban
篋篋 -- shiwo de yuelian 絎銀后莨 -- zhaozai jiaxiang zao zai bianguan鐚 絎紊 -- ningjing de yewang 篏箙綽箙綽 -- ni ye sinian wo ye sinian 篏絖倶篁篁 -- wo xiaojing fumu ren lao ren yuan鐚 荳腑-- ni xianshen zuguo 筝羌茵羆 -- bu xi liu xuehan 篏茣絎篁 -- wo jianfu zho quanjia de zhongren鐚 篆遵絎 -- ni zai baowei guojia anquan -- ah, 腑篏 茣 -- zuguo changsheng you ni de gongxian 鐚 箙茣∞-- ye you wo de gongxian 鐚 筝絎√-- wanjia tuanyuan 綽 -- shi wo de xinyuan 箙 篏 綽 -- ye shi ni de xinyuan -- ah... 箙 篏 綽 -- ye shi ni de xinyuan
Listen to Shirley Sang the Song In English July 11, 2009 in the US
Listen to Shirley Sang the Song In Chinese July 11, 2009 in the US
 If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please write to, or, You are welcome to publish your opinions in Forum For Friends. :-) --Shirley Zhang Written, Translated and Recorded It Sat, May 15, 2006 in China / July 11, 2009 in the US.