FOLLOWING SHIRLEY TO READ THE POEM IN CHINESE LISTEN TO SHIRLEY SINGING THE POEM SHIRLEY CREATED PICTURE FOR THE POEM SHIRLEY WRITTEN CALLIGRAPHY OF THE POEM Hi, friends, have you been to any war field? I have. I have been to the ancient war field of Napoleon in Waterloo and I really hope that with the effort by all of us, to reduce the war and tragedy in the world.
Today, I would like to introduce a Chinese classical poem by Tang Dynasty(A.D. 618 - 907) poet Li Huan : Chun Xing Ji Xing ? The Association from the Spring Scenery in My Traveling.
In Ancient Chinese poetry theory, people called the create process that to speak something at the first, then to lead up to the main theme via the association as "Xing".
It was a spring season. A poet came to the Yi Yang City that had experienced a war. Luxuriant grass had covered the former busy city gate. Instead of seeing any citizens, there was only a water of gully turning to the west via the city. There was no people under the fragrant trees, there were only some flowers dropped down to the land lonely, on whole of the road that he was traveling in the mountains, what he could hear it was only the singing of the birds for nothing...
Whole of the poem does not mention to any words about War, but, it has painted out of a real view after the war. With the peaceful and easy words on the surface, express a sad emotion in his heart...
I have created a picture, a piece of music and calligraphy to match it and I hope that whole of my effort will be a little bit help to you to learn Chinese language...
The Association from the Spring Scenery in My Traveling.
The Yiyang City gate, has been covered by the luxuriant grass. A water of gully that flows to the east, is turning to the west via the city. Instead of anyone under the fragrant trees, There were only some flowers dropping down lonely, On whole of the road of my traveling, I can only hear the singing of the birds in the mountains in the spring…
Please hit any Chinese character that you need help with, to see its Chinese pinyin, pronunciation, and meaning and follow me to read it.
春行寄兴 宜阳城下草萋 萋, 涧水东流复向西。 芳树无人花 自 落, 春 山 一 路 鸟 空 啼。
If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to or You are welcome to publish your opinions in Message Board as well.
Shirley Zhang Written, Sung, Translated and Recorded on Sun, June 17, 2007