Hi, Friends, today, I opened a new section for helping you to improve your Chinese level via translating something from current English works.
I am lucky to know a great contemporary American writer -- Bruce Holland Rogers and got his permission to translate some of his works. So, now I would like to translate the first snippet of his last short story: Hello, Gorgeous! to help you to learn Chinese.
Long ago, in his twenties, he had been something of a Romeo. He met girls at his job in the shoe department. After kneeling in front of them and squeezing to feel the bones of their feet through the thin leather, it was no trouble at all to ask for their phone numbers at the cash register.
Long ago: hen3 jiu3 yi3 qian2. long: jiu3, chang2 ago: yi3 qian2 in his twenties: dang1 ta1 er4 shi1 duo1 shui4 de shi2 hou4. in: dang1, zai4; twenties: er4 shi1 duo1 shui4 he: ta1 had been: ceng2 jin1 something: mo3 xie1 (dong xi4, te4 dian3) some:mo3 xie1 thingdong1 xi Romeo: Luo2 Mi4 Ou1 meet: jian4, hui4 jian4, yu4 jian4 girl: gu1 nian; shao4 nu3;nu3 hai2. shoes: xie2, xie2 zi department: bu4 men2, ke1, xi4 after: zhi1 hou4 kneel: gui4 xia4, dun1 xia4 in front of: qian2 mian4 them: ta2 men2 squeezing:nie1, ji3 feel: gan3 jue2, gan3 dao4 bone: gu3, gu3 tou2 their:ta1 men2 de through: tong1 guo4 thin:bao2; bao2 bao2 de leather: pi2 ge2 trouble: ma2 fa; wen3 ti2 ask for: yao4, yao1 qiu2, qing3 qiu2 their: ta1 men2 de phone number: dian4 hua4 hao4 ma3; phone: dian4 hua4; number: hao4 ma3. cash register: shou1 yin2 ji1 cash: xian4 jin1, qian2
緇箙篁ュ鐚綵篁20絏九鐚 篁筝臀絲罨у綛眼篁遵篁綏ヤ茹域後紮紲莊絅剛錆√筝阪ス篁莚菴鐚篁篌狗倶堺蕁阪医医ス篁笈埇
Not: the words "After kneeling in front of them and squeezing to feel the bones of their feet through the thin leather, "meant how he help the girls to test the shoes, so, I just translated it to be "莊絅剛錆√筝阪ス篁莚菴" in Chinese instead of writing all of the actions as the original works.
I do hope it is helpful for your Chinese learning.
If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write, you are welcomed.
-- Shirley Translated on 24th.,July, 2005 Edited and Recorded on 25th.,July,2005