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Title: Chinese Goingbi--006(Flower & Bird): My Practice In My Art Class |
Artist: Shirley Zhang |
Size: 66cm x 43cm |
Completed Time: Sat, July 9, 2005 |
Remarks: This it my 6th Gong Bi Practice in my art lesson. I started it last Saturday and continued it this Saturday. Gong Bi painting is a very important Chinese traditional painting style. When I am painting, I have to take two brushes, one for coloring the picture, the other for making the color to be pushed on the suitable place with water... I have been scaring to paint this kind of pictures since I started to learn painting, but my teacher keeps me to learn it as a basic lesson.
So, we painted the bird and the flower last Saturday in the lesson for 4 hours. Then I completed it for another 2 hours... :-) I colored the flowers at least 15 times…
Today, my teacher corrected my flower and taught me to paint the butterfly. This is my third butterfly. Last two ones were painted and colored with gouache style and colors by myself and this one was done with Chinese Gongbi style with the directions of my art teacher.
Which butterfly do you like more? This one or the other ones on the Gouache No. 91?
I am creating my last Gouache and my teacher never intervenes me during I am designing and drafting or coloring on it, but, after I complete it, I will be told many problems that I need to correct or pay more attention on next one. Do you know what kind of picture is it? What I will paint on it?
--Shirley Completed on 9th.,July,2005