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Title: Chinese Xieyi--094th(Flower & Bird): Water Lily and Little Birds |
Artist: Shirley Zhang |
Size: 56cm x 100cm |
Completed Time: Wednesday, Auguest 30,2006 |
Remarks: This is my 94th Chinese Xieyi Picture --Freehand Brushworks that I created in my art lesson on Wednesday evening.
When I worked on it, my mobile phone was ringing. I did not want make a friend disappointed from far away place, so, I took the telephone with my left hand to answer the friend and continued my painting with my right hand -- I saw my teacher was in a worrying and a Chinese Xieyi picture should be completed once. Anyway, my mind did not focus on my painting 100% so that the power on my right hand was not average, so, you can see the second caudexes of the bud is bend now and it is too near the stone and the bird. :-)
My teacher said that if the 93rd Chinese Xieyi painting can get 90 mark, this one can only get 75 mark for the bamboo was not outstand with a deeper color and the grass shows out that my effort is not good enough, but the bend caudexes is not big affect whole of the picture.
My teacher’ s comments make me shy and I would go to observe how a grass grows up and to do more practices, because I wanted to paint orchid someday and its foundation is to paint grass. Orchid is the most difficult thing with Chinese Xieyi style to paint , but it is something I really enjoy.
Once more, I practise some Chinese calligraphy on my picture. I will keep writing forever...
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