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Title: Shirley Created Art 542 & Gouache -0130:Snow Mountains Nov 18-21,2010 |
Artist: Shirley Zhang |
Size: 35.00cm x 25.00cm (13.78inchesx 9.84 inches) |
Completed Time: Nov 18-21, 2010 |
Remarks: This is my 130th Gouache Painting. It is also my 542 painting since 2003 and the 71st/96th painting/practice in 2010.
Do you enjoy mountains? I do. I have been to many mountains; the most impression is the Alps in Europe and the snow mountains in China. What I most like is the landscape of mountains and water together and I enjoy its peaceful and I feel it is very beautiful.With this idea, I created this painting.
During I worked on it, I was cold and I felt headache very much, so that I had to eat painkiller once more.
Anyway I completed it even though I am not very satisfy it yet.
How do you think of this picture? Do you like it?
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, welcom to shirley@ebridge.cn or publish your opinions in Forum . :-)
--Shirley Zhang
Nov 21, 2010