Title: Mr. Brad Bodenhausen – former executive President of Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce and I in their office building – Nov 5, 2013 |
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Completed Time: Nov 5, 2013 |
Remarks: I knew Mr. Brad Bodenhausen in a meeting between E-MBA students and the local Chamber of Commence Sep, 2008. Then he came to our classroom to offer a lesson: The Difference and Same Tetween American and Chinese Culture for us in 2009.
Then, in May or June, My private tutor and friend Mr. Gong Xiaoou aommended me to Mr. Brad Bodenhausen, and Mr. Brad Bodenhausen took us to meet Ms. Leah Hamilton, the former Exacutive Director of Springfield Digtional Art Council. Both of the Chamber of Commenrice and the Art Council would like to be the sponsers of my first art exhibition with the title: in Ceremery Art Center of Springfield, MO, USA, Sep 4 to Sep 26, 2009.
Then, before the art Exhibiiton was opened. It was Mr. Brad Bodenhausen and Mr. Gong Xiaoou took me to the Ntional Art Store to discuss how to decarate my paintings; then also it was him, to pay the fee of the decreation in person.
Then, with his wife and son together, they attened to the opening cinceremy of the art exhibition.
Then, in May, 2010, during I had another art exhibition in Missouri State University, he attended the reception and also it was him to help me to connect a local megazine, to connect Mr. Joe Jenkins, and help me to save 64 pieces of my paintings in Springfield before I went back China adead becasue of my sicknesses.
If saying, the study in Missouri State University offered me a good education and helped me enter a wider international world to develop myself as a business student, then, the first art exhibition and the frist demostration teaching jobs in the local public schools and the art schools, made me realize the value of my cross-culture and comprehensive art that I started to learn, study and exploration.
Therefore, Auguest 28, 2009, before my art exhibition started, I made an international phone call Dr. Wang Hua, the vice president of Jinan University in Guangzhou and the former president of Jinan University Publishing House, by his good recommanded, the current president of the Jinan University Publishing House, Mr. Xu Yixiong called me from China, and mentioned out of the potic to create a Cross-Culture project.
Then, after heard working for 4 years in Shenzhen, China, Lexinton, Kentukey, USA, Biejing, China, Pickvill, Kentucky, USA and Guangzhou, China, finally, the group of 12 paintings, 12 music, 24 singings in Chinese and in English and about 40 articles besed on the 160 pieces of music, 160 translation, 800 paintings and more than 3000 articles were published
If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to shirley@ebridge.cn . You are welcome to publish your opinions in Message Board as well.
Shirley Yiping Zhang Nov 11, 2013