Title: A heavy ice and snow hit Springfield, MO, Dec 6, 2013 |
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Completed Time: Dec 6, 2013 |
Remarks: A heavy ice and snow hit Springfield, MO, Dec 6, 2013. In the morning, it was still raining and there was some ice down the ground. In the evening, whole of the ground was covered by the thick snow.
For catching the time before the cold weather came, I went to the National Art Shop in the morning, and wanted to know how much cost I will pay if I frame the 12 paintings with Chinese poems and music and articles that had been published in my new book.
Can you imagine? It will be $7,121, even though I use the cheapest material, the price is wtill $5,300, that really scared me...
Anyway, when I looked at the city and landscape were covered by the white snow, changed to be another beautiful view, my heart was changed much better...
If you have any questions, comments and suggestions, please write to shirley@ebridge.cn . You are welcome to publish your opinions in Message Board as well.
Shirley Yiping Zhang Dec 8, 2013