  Art Exhibition
  Painting Workshop
  Art As a Bridge
During the reception, also we did a demonstration and a group of Amrican friends their first Chinese painting with Chinese brush and ink.

Many of them did a great job.

If you have any questions, comments and suggestions,...more
  When I was explaining and singing the classical poems for the audiences at the reception of my art exhibition, I did feel that the team of Mrs. Kat Allie had done a very good job, almost all of the sides of the hall, there are some painting...more
  Mrs. Camille F. D. Daitrich - A reporter from a local newspaper office Springfield News-Leader came to the reception of my art exhibition.

She was interested in what I did and she asked many questions. On this painting, I was explai...more
Mrs. Camille F. D. Daitrich - A reporter from a local newspaper office Springfield News-Leader came to the reception of my art exhibition.

She was interested in what I did and she asked many questions. On this painting, I was explai...more
  The two beautiful ladies on this photo are the mother and daughter of Ms. Stephanie Cramer- the Director of Programs and Expositions for Springfield Regional Art Council.

They came to the reception of my art exhibition, and we had a ...more
  I was so happy to see Mr. John David Lawson, my first American friend and the first Bible teacher, his wife and daughter came to the reception of my art exhibition and tried to paint their first Chinese paintings.

I felt sorry for I...more
After I came to the USA, just I realized many things that I had known from the books were not very exact.

In fact, here in Springfield, Missouri, people have a very closed family relationship. Almost in all of my 4 art exhibitions, ...more
  There were many people at the art gallery at the reception of my art exhibition on Feb 7, 2014, and many of them looked at my art works carefully.

At the spacing a group of friends were paitning, I went out of the classroom to talk ...more
  This reporter was so dedicated, within a very short time, he did a lot of videos.

But I made a mistake for I thought he would like to leave at 7:00pm, so that I did not ask friends in the classroom to paint earlier at about 6:45pm....more
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